Pleasure Talk with Amber - February 2018 - by Amber Jones

It is February, a month of celebration of two amazing things: Black History (because without it we wouldn’t have all the great things like mailboxes, streetlights, the blood bank, or the world’s fastest computer) and Valentine’s Day. Although the history of Valentine’s Day is grim and just down right depressing, it has flourished into a billion-dollar obsessive man-made holiday where even if it’s not real, people want to feel loved and important for just that one day so they celebrate it. While thinking about Valentine’s Day, I thought about the one thing I always said I would give my husband (whenever I get one) on Valentine’s Day or our anniversary; and that was a threesome. As I was having this conversation with a friend of mine, I broke down how I would plan it, mainly controlling the entire situation because lord knows I do not need this to backfire in any kind of way lol. And that is when the whole conversation on threes...