Fact or Friction - January 2019 - Reader Submissions

Man of My Dreams To this day, my friends still don’t believe this really happened to me. I was a Senior in college when the first instance occurred. I’d had a long day of classes and planned on returning to my dorm and turning in early to catch up on some much needed rest. I got in the shower and when I came out, I laid across my bed in my towel. Not long after, I was asleep. I was awakened by what I can only describe as warm breathing on my neck. I knew good and well I hadn’t let anyone spend the night with me, so at first, it freaked me out in a major way. I didn’t want to open my eyes either, I was just too afraid of what or who I might see when I did. My heart was racing and I trembled a bit as I slowly opened my eyes. To my surprise, there was a very handsome, caramel skinned, shirtless man with an athletic tone and short, dark, wavy hair lying next to me. He didn’t appear to be a creep or anything like that. It’s funny because I thought I recognized him from somewhere, bu...