Pleasure Talk with Amber - October 2018 - by Amber Jones

Pleasure Seekers! Oh my goodness! This month’s column, I have to warn you is for my ladies! Yes, this month is all about us and giving some new tender, love, and care to our lady parts or what I like to call our Yoni. The word Yoni is the Sanskrit word for vagina and means “Sacred Place”. Yes, ladies that is right our punnani’s are sacred, so we need to treat them as such! With that being said lately I have been hearing so much about these things called Yoni Steams and high boutiques and salons that offer this service are popping all over the USA. So I thought why not look into them a bit more and see what I am able to find.

Yoni Steam blends are designed to aid in many different things when it comes to the vaginal health of women. For example regular Yoni Steams are said to have the ability to improve your menstrual cycle, heals the womb, detoxifies, makes sex juicier, helps with fertility and can even help speed up the recovery after giving birth along with many others.

Now, the more increasingly popular the Yoni Steams are becoming the easier it is to find a small business that supplies a pre-mixed herb for your steam that best suites your personal needs. For me the more I researched the more I decided to create my own blend that I would benefit best from because all of our Yoni’s are different and I like to think mind is extra special so I wanted to hand pick what I felt I connected with most.

Now for some of my direction I did google some things, and of course went to the holy grail place to find reviews and ideas YouTube on how to do this in the comfort of my own home and boy were they helpful!

There are several things that you will need to make the at home Yoni Steam possible and the list includes the following:

•  Your herbal blend

•  A pot to boil your water

•  A 1 gallon bucket to put the water in after you have steeped your herbs

•  A blanket or towel (must be able to wrap snuggly around you)

•  A comfortable place to sit

Before you begin understand that this is a moment for you! You can do a steam bi-weekly, or once a month whatever your preference. Butmake sure you set the scene for yourself just like you would for your boyfriend, husband, girlfriend, etc. Light some incense, scented candles, play some smooth music, put on some sexy lingerie, etc.  Set the vibe because your this is a therapeutic experience for yourself.

Now your first step will be getting the pot and filling it up with water. I used a 30 Quart pot and filled it up half way. I allowed for my water to reach a boil and once it did I added my herbs. I placed the top on the pot for about 10 minutes for the herbs to steep and let me tell you the scent from the herbs were completely relaxing and invigorating within themselves! Once the herbs steeped I transferred the water into my 1 gallon bucket. For my at home Yoni Steam I used my bucket as my seat because I was able to find a “Bucket Toilet Seat” on Amazon for $10 that literally just snapped onto the bucket which was extremely convenient. From then I sat down of course bare bottomed and wrapped my blanket around me tightly to hold all of the steam in. And baby when I tell you it started before I could even get fully comfortable! They say for you to steam for about 15-30 minutes and my initial plan was to journal during that time. But honey when I started all I could do was bask in the obedience of greatness that my pussy was felling!

The herbs that I chose to use were:

•   Oregano: Used to bring on menses. Increases scanty flow. This herb is used for its antiseptic, stimulating and strengthening qualities. Oregano is a wonderful herb for aiding in prevention of infection.

•   Rosemary: An aromatic and antimicrobial herb, rosemary treats bacterial infection, speeds wound healing, inhibits yeast growth, and stimulates menstruation.

•   Calendula: Aids in healing of scar tissue, vaginal tears, or hemorrhoids.

•   Yarrow: Astringent, tonifying and cleansing, yarrow is great for regulating menstrual flow, treating ovarian cysts and supporting overall uterine health.

•   Marigold: Tageteserecta is used to induce perspiration, cleansing of the vaginal tissues. It is also healing to wounds. Calendula officinalis aids in the healing of tight scarred tissues of the labia and perenium due to episiotomy, or vaginal tear. Note: Do not steam an open wound, this could cause pain and swelling.

•   Mugwort: In addition to fighting infection through its antibiotic and anti-fungal properties, mugwort balances female hormones and stimulates the production of hormones that help to maintain uterine health as well as protect the uterus from things such as ulcers and tumors. Mugwort steam opens the pores, allowing the beneficial herbs to penetrate into the blood stream. In addition, mugwort helps to stimulate menstrual discharge and ease cramping.

Again, this was the blend that I created for myself for my own personal reasons. I simply did a google search for “Herbs used for Yoni Steams” and put together these herbs from there.

I am pretty sure you want to know how it went, huh? It was amazing! I felt so fresh, and clean. Literally within minutes I could feel my Yoni’s muscles tightening up and detoxifying itself. After the steam I decided to massage cocoa, and shea butter onto my Yoni to moisturize it, and give just a little extra tender love and care.

The experience was absolutely riveting, and I felt like I reconnected with her (My Yoni) in a way that I had not before and it was long overdue. I felt on a much deeper level things being released, that no longer served me. I suggest trying an at home Yoni Steam at least once in your lifetime, you wont regret it at all!

Your Pleasure Expert 


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