Pleasure Talk with Amber - September 2018 - by Amber Jones

HERE YEE…….HERE YEE…….HERE YEE…… THIS MESSAGE JUST IN AND MEN THIS IS ONE FOR YOU TO READ ALL ABOUT……THE HEADLINES READ…… FOREPLAY MATTERS!!!!!! Yes, that is right fellas FOREPLAY FUCKING MATTERS! It matters just as much as the actual act of sex and us women would appreciate if you all would get that through your thick skulls already! Am I ranting? Sure am! On a day to day basis I get the same question. How can I get my man to slow down and cater to my body enough to make me crave him? That’s right fellas we want to want you deeper almost to the point where we are begging for you to enter us. The game is so much more fun that way. Would you put a frozen pizza in the oven then turn it on and still expect it to be done cooking and delicious as it could be if you would have pre-heated the oven? Of course not! Pre-Heating is the key to a delicious frozen pizza and foreplay is the key to a nice juicy pussy. Period. With that being said, Pleasure Seekers I am here to help! Ladies if...