Pole Trick of the Month - December 2017

Iron X

If you are just beginning to work on this trick, you need to use the strength that you have as effectively as possible, this is the way that you want to work on it. By turning your trunk (chest, and core) first, you’re then able to use the large muscles of your core to control the turn of your hips and legs as one unit. By turning your legs and hips together (maintaining the bend at your hips with your legs) You are minimizing how far your feet get from the pole. In this way, you can hold a “true” X with your entire body turned to the wall, rather then needing to “cheat” it by turning just your legs and keeping your chest to the ceiling. If you try to turn everything at once, you will not be able to control the turn because you aren’t using the large, strong muscles of your core to do the work.


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