Liberal Vs. Conservative: Sex in 2017 & Who's Doing It Better? - by Starla Knight
Welcome to Friction and the topic of all things sex!
I hope that in the months to follow we’ll be able to open up an honest dialogue about sex and our cultureand have a steamy time doing so. A place where we’ll be able to explore different ideas about sex and sexuality, shed light and understanding and become savvier as sexual beings in our community. More than anything I hope we have fun!
Fun? I know what you’re thinking. Really? Politics. Politics is fun? I don’t get bombarded with politics enough nowadays, it has somehow infiltrated our sex life? Yes, yes it has. As your residential horny bi-sexual writer, I’m dismayed to think that we’ve placed yet reason not to have sex with someone on the score board. But like it or not, ladies and gentlemen, politics has followed us into the bedroom.
There are a few studies (more surveys really, conducted from several dating services, and someone conducting an independent review or analysis of provided responses. So I do feel as though I should disclose that these results not scientific.) published that would suggest otherwise. And the United States isn’t the only nation of people infecting their sex lives with politics. The UK and much of Europe is experiencing the same political influence in the bedroom. The fact that politics plays a factor in the modern era’s sexuality didn’t surprise me. You would have to be living under a rock to be blind to the current state of political polarization. But who these studies suggested were having the better sex did shock me. And that’s saying a lot.
I think I could get most of you to agree that your sex life, assuming you have one, has a lot to do with one’s personal identity. We don’t leave our labels behind when we enter work, why would we assume we leave these labels behind when jumping into the sack? Female, male, transgender, strait, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, wealthy, well off, middle class, lower income. These are just a few of the simple and complexlabels that we’ve created as a society to divide us into groups. Furthermore,we’ve been indoctrinated by society to identify with these labels, tags. Own them, weather we want to or not.
Whichever of these labels we’ve been given, we recognize they are a part of who we are, in and out of bed. What kind of sex and how frequently you have it, who you have it with are influenced by our identities, who we are, our past experiences, our cultural norms, family expectations, personal desires, and my personal favorite, kinks. Politics has now evolved to add yet another, more complicated, label to lie between the sheets with us.
Are you currently swiping the current age of app/online dating? If you happen to be frequenting services that cater to those looking for a serious relationship and those inclined more for a singlephysical hook up, you’ll notice a stark difference in user’s profile content.
Conversations on sites intended for hook ups are limited to physical descriptions, personal physical desires and kinks.
Politics is rarely mentioned, as the clear intended goal is to fulfill an immediate physical need and nothing more. Users care about your party preferences as much as they care about what you had for breakfast last week. Not much stimulating conversation is intended to be had. No one cares what party line you vote.
The profile content on services looking for more than hook up, something sustaining, most often with the long-term goals of nuptials offer a bit more information.Life goals, careers and hobbies, are frequently listed as we look for labels we identify with, yet now more than ever we see political party references at the start or end of these profiles. That did alarm me some, as I believe that its healthy to have respectful intellectual conversation with someone that has opinions different than your own. I was even more surprised at the abrupt and rude tone in reference to certain political affiliates need not inquire. Phrases like “Move along Lib-tards,” or “Swipe left Cockservatives,” litter more and more profiles.
Clearly politics has become another filter for determining potential long term mating partners, but you’re still wondering who’s having the better sex.
The studies performed polled a number of factors. How often sex was occurring, what type of sex was occurring, the number of partners, how long one had been with said sexual partner, how long the sex was lasting and the biggest tell of them all, the number of climaxes.These studies seemed to find that comfortability was the determining factor in the number of climaxed reached.
So, at the end of the studies who did they find to be having better sex? Conservatives!
You could accept the findings as they stand. But I do not. I question their results. Not because I’m an admitted liberal. But because comfortability was their defining factor.
Polls would also suggest that conservatives have sex less frequently, have fewer partners, use fewer toys and accessories during sexual interaction, and stick to more traditional positions and partners.Yet do to comfortability they are having better sex?
Liberals report being more willing to try new things sexually, new positions, toys, places and people. They are more willing to role play, try new fetishes, and in general discover what’s pleasurable.
Liberals are more willing to try something unfamiliar, uncomfortable, in the pursuit of personal growth and exploration. Ooh, I’m getting excited just thinking about liberals.
Remember those labels I mentioned a few paragraphs earlier? All those tags that influence not only how we see (or judge) others, but how we see (and judge) ourselves? One could argue that conservatives come from a place of comfortability because conservatives typically don’t venture outside of cultural or societal norms that have already been established by society as acceptable.
From this vantage conservatives stand, or lay, in a position of safety. Free from the fear of judgement, free from worry that your sexual partner might see you as weird, or different. Your sexual partner is likely another conservative who also stands in a similar place, seeking to keep things traditional and acceptable by society, making you even more comfortable.Comfortability is often a necessity for a woman to climax, thus when comfortability is factored the females boost those conservative climax results. Awesome. But I’m still not sure if I buy that complete predictability equals better sex.
Considering my own biases I wonder what personal identities played a factor in the determination of comfortability as the primary climax factor and assumed better sex in the studies I found?
Considering the studies are based on polls and questionnaires, not controlled, observable groups of liberal and conservative couples having sexual interactions and proof of orgasm (mmm, science) I question their results.
Obviously, inaccuracies in 2016 Presidential Polling throws further shade on the subject. Those who were polled either intended to sway the polls with claiming they didn’t vote for Trump when in fact they did, or they intentionally withheld the truth of who they voted for out of embarrassment. Either way, all those who claim to vote more conservative lines were not so honest when they were surveyed. Could that have also been a factor in the surveys these dating services collected?
If, however, these polls reflect truth, what does that say about society? Do we judge others so much that now we use politics is another way to label?
If these survey results are correct then as liberals we might fight for the rights to have sex with whomever, whenever and however we want, but then don’t enjoy it as much because we’re still worried we’re going to be judged, shunned for it? If that’s the case, we need to stop worrying about what others think. We need to shed as many labels as we can. At the end of the day we are truly more alike than we are different. We must stop dividing ourselves into different groups, stop judging others. Live and let live.
What say you reader? I would love to hear your opinion on who you believe is having the better sex.
Email me at
I hope that in the months to follow we’ll be able to open up an honest dialogue about sex and our cultureand have a steamy time doing so. A place where we’ll be able to explore different ideas about sex and sexuality, shed light and understanding and become savvier as sexual beings in our community. More than anything I hope we have fun!

There are a few studies (more surveys really, conducted from several dating services, and someone conducting an independent review or analysis of provided responses. So I do feel as though I should disclose that these results not scientific.) published that would suggest otherwise. And the United States isn’t the only nation of people infecting their sex lives with politics. The UK and much of Europe is experiencing the same political influence in the bedroom. The fact that politics plays a factor in the modern era’s sexuality didn’t surprise me. You would have to be living under a rock to be blind to the current state of political polarization. But who these studies suggested were having the better sex did shock me. And that’s saying a lot.
I think I could get most of you to agree that your sex life, assuming you have one, has a lot to do with one’s personal identity. We don’t leave our labels behind when we enter work, why would we assume we leave these labels behind when jumping into the sack? Female, male, transgender, strait, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Atheist, wealthy, well off, middle class, lower income. These are just a few of the simple and complexlabels that we’ve created as a society to divide us into groups. Furthermore,we’ve been indoctrinated by society to identify with these labels, tags. Own them, weather we want to or not.
Whichever of these labels we’ve been given, we recognize they are a part of who we are, in and out of bed. What kind of sex and how frequently you have it, who you have it with are influenced by our identities, who we are, our past experiences, our cultural norms, family expectations, personal desires, and my personal favorite, kinks. Politics has now evolved to add yet another, more complicated, label to lie between the sheets with us.
Are you currently swiping the current age of app/online dating? If you happen to be frequenting services that cater to those looking for a serious relationship and those inclined more for a singlephysical hook up, you’ll notice a stark difference in user’s profile content.
Conversations on sites intended for hook ups are limited to physical descriptions, personal physical desires and kinks.
Politics is rarely mentioned, as the clear intended goal is to fulfill an immediate physical need and nothing more. Users care about your party preferences as much as they care about what you had for breakfast last week. Not much stimulating conversation is intended to be had. No one cares what party line you vote.
The profile content on services looking for more than hook up, something sustaining, most often with the long-term goals of nuptials offer a bit more information.Life goals, careers and hobbies, are frequently listed as we look for labels we identify with, yet now more than ever we see political party references at the start or end of these profiles. That did alarm me some, as I believe that its healthy to have respectful intellectual conversation with someone that has opinions different than your own. I was even more surprised at the abrupt and rude tone in reference to certain political affiliates need not inquire. Phrases like “Move along Lib-tards,” or “Swipe left Cockservatives,” litter more and more profiles.
Clearly politics has become another filter for determining potential long term mating partners, but you’re still wondering who’s having the better sex.
The studies performed polled a number of factors. How often sex was occurring, what type of sex was occurring, the number of partners, how long one had been with said sexual partner, how long the sex was lasting and the biggest tell of them all, the number of climaxes.These studies seemed to find that comfortability was the determining factor in the number of climaxed reached.
So, at the end of the studies who did they find to be having better sex? Conservatives!
You could accept the findings as they stand. But I do not. I question their results. Not because I’m an admitted liberal. But because comfortability was their defining factor.
Polls would also suggest that conservatives have sex less frequently, have fewer partners, use fewer toys and accessories during sexual interaction, and stick to more traditional positions and partners.Yet do to comfortability they are having better sex?
Liberals report being more willing to try new things sexually, new positions, toys, places and people. They are more willing to role play, try new fetishes, and in general discover what’s pleasurable.
Liberals are more willing to try something unfamiliar, uncomfortable, in the pursuit of personal growth and exploration. Ooh, I’m getting excited just thinking about liberals.
Remember those labels I mentioned a few paragraphs earlier? All those tags that influence not only how we see (or judge) others, but how we see (and judge) ourselves? One could argue that conservatives come from a place of comfortability because conservatives typically don’t venture outside of cultural or societal norms that have already been established by society as acceptable.
From this vantage conservatives stand, or lay, in a position of safety. Free from the fear of judgement, free from worry that your sexual partner might see you as weird, or different. Your sexual partner is likely another conservative who also stands in a similar place, seeking to keep things traditional and acceptable by society, making you even more comfortable.Comfortability is often a necessity for a woman to climax, thus when comfortability is factored the females boost those conservative climax results. Awesome. But I’m still not sure if I buy that complete predictability equals better sex.
Considering my own biases I wonder what personal identities played a factor in the determination of comfortability as the primary climax factor and assumed better sex in the studies I found?
Considering the studies are based on polls and questionnaires, not controlled, observable groups of liberal and conservative couples having sexual interactions and proof of orgasm (mmm, science) I question their results.
Obviously, inaccuracies in 2016 Presidential Polling throws further shade on the subject. Those who were polled either intended to sway the polls with claiming they didn’t vote for Trump when in fact they did, or they intentionally withheld the truth of who they voted for out of embarrassment. Either way, all those who claim to vote more conservative lines were not so honest when they were surveyed. Could that have also been a factor in the surveys these dating services collected?
If, however, these polls reflect truth, what does that say about society? Do we judge others so much that now we use politics is another way to label?
If these survey results are correct then as liberals we might fight for the rights to have sex with whomever, whenever and however we want, but then don’t enjoy it as much because we’re still worried we’re going to be judged, shunned for it? If that’s the case, we need to stop worrying about what others think. We need to shed as many labels as we can. At the end of the day we are truly more alike than we are different. We must stop dividing ourselves into different groups, stop judging others. Live and let live.
What say you reader? I would love to hear your opinion on who you believe is having the better sex.
Email me at
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